Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What do Christians believe?

What do Christians believe? To my surprise when I ask this question, many believers do not have an answer or they simply say, "Christians believe in Jesus". I can't say that's wrong, but then the question becomes, "What "about" Jesus do you believe that make you Christian?" Wow! What a great question!
There are things about the Christian faith that are debated, argued, challenged, or whatever word you use to prove your point on a matter but the ultimate fact should lead to truth as revealed in the scriptures. Your opinion, my opinion or any one's opinion should not matter when it come to the Holy Scriptures which is the final authority. Every believer should know the basic tenants of the Christian Faith and be able to give an answer for the hope that is within them. These are the non-negotiable from Scripture that defines the true Believer.
  • The Bible is the inspired, infallible, Word of God.
  • The Godhead - Tri-unity of the Godhead, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. There is One God. In the nature of the One God is revealed three distinct Persons as seen in Scripture.
  • Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Word Incarnate, Born of a virgin; died on the Cross and was buried, rose from the grave bodily on the third day, was seen of men, ascended up into heaven and will return bodily.
  • Man His Fall and Redemption- Man is created by God, In His image and likeness; through Adam's transgression, sin came upon all men and all men were separated from God. Jesus was manifested to destroy the power of Sin and Satan and to bring Man back to his rightful place with God by shedding his blood and giving his life on the Cross. Salvation is a gift of God, separate from works and the law; made operative only by grace through faith, confident assurance in Jesus Christ which produces works acceptable to God.
  • Return of the Lord and the Resurrection of the Just - The Angel said to the Disciples that Jesus would come again the same way they saw Him go. Acts 1:11. The Scripture further says that when He comes, the dead in Christ will rise first and we who are alive and remain will be caught up to meet Him... I Thess 4:16-17.
  • Final Retribution for Sin and Hell - The one who physically dies without trusting in the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross is hopelessly and eternally separated from God and there is no further opportunity for repentance. Thus that person is lost to the eternal Lake of Fire and sin is punished.

These are the essential of the Christian faith. The foundation upon which every believer must embrace to be a powerful Christian that the gates of hell can not prevail against. Do you believe these things? Are you a true Christian believer?


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Houston, TX, United States
Woman, Wife, Administrator, Teacher, Preacher, Friend